Friday, March 25, 2011


Everyone has that one ex. They are the one person that you most want to tell when you start talking to someone knew. They usually are the person least possible to tell. They make you furious by just being. Seeing their status on fb? The worst. Accidently drunk texting them? Unthinkable, but it has happened… a few times. They are the one with the new lover, the new job, the new life and you always feel so mundane. So your new lover, new job, new life is front page news of course! Someone is bound to tell them… someone has to tell them, “Hey will you tell them?” Just to make sure they know. They were the one who hurt you the most, meant the most. The one who still lingers on your mind, the one who still appears in your dreams. They are the one who you swear you are over, but in reality… a part of you will always love them. You hate them the most because you loved them the most. They are the one you compare all of your new flames too… not many can really compare though. They are the one who you look back sweetly on… realize it and turn a good memory into a bitter one. But they do provide good things, they keep you from settling, they keep you picky and remembering them always gives you raw, real emotions. They are the one that confused you. Why? Why is it over? It never made sense, the more time that passes, the less you understand. You look back and you wonder if you could have changed the outcome. They are the ex you will always remember.

You have that ex… but who knows, you could also be that ex. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011