My nose hurts like blood and my head like three hours of sleep and no coffee. My tongue is white in the middle from overcooked, overdue lunch and my lips are cracked on the edge from fake smiles and a dry heat. My fingers throb from vainly applied glue and plastic ripped off by cheap glue and plastic filled with overpriced odds and ends. My eyes close from an onset anxiety attack and my mouth droops in an inevitable frown. My body yells out in tender muscles torn and bruised from 40% alcohol by volume and music that provides me my only solace. Everything I know changes today. My heart beats unnaturally to tell you goodbye, I am just not sure if I should ever see you again, because everything I know changes today, and I never really got to know you, so I think you will stay the same.
My skins shivers in the haunted house of yesterday's life.
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