Tuesday, January 3, 2012

& I feel alright

Things change so fast and things change so slow, so slow it hurts and so fast it breaks and we are left looking into each other's eyes, wondering why we have nothing to say. I can feel the sadness swell up in me.. it seems like all we know these days is disappointment. So, we will say goodbye, though neither of us is ready.. it will feel wrong, it will make our stomachs squirm and our limbs feel heavy. We will hold each other for one more night, feeling horrible for the thoughts we thought in fleeting moments of anger or stress, wondering why we didn't better enjoy our time together. But what could we have done? All we have are these mouths that speak and hands that touch, so shouldn't this all be enough? To hold each other and love each other and feel some sort of desperation that makes it physically painful to walk away from one another.. that is enough! It is too much almost, causing sorrow and pain and emotions we prefer to deny and suffocate. So we pretend instead, that nothing will change, that nothing has changed.

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